Find out more at our Community Consultation Event!

Tuesday 14th May 5-7pm or Monday 20th May 4-8pm both at the Corks Social Club in the Lounge.

Bearwood Corks Social Club is at risk!

Bearwood Corks Social Club, which has belonged to its community members for 100 years, now needs to sell and settle its accounts, putting Bearwood at risk of losing an important historic and community venue.

We have been talking to Mick and John who have kept the Corks going for many years. They are supportive of our desire to ensure that the building remains as an important place for our community to meet, collaborate and support each other. And it just so happens that we urgently need a permanent home in order to help us sustain the social impacts we strive for.

But, when and whether the Corks can sell to us is dependent on sufficient community & financial support.

What do we need?

  • We need to raise A LOT of money to purchase the Corks Club - over £1,000,000 and we will need your help to do it!

  • We need people to pledge their support for the Save the Corks campaign and to register their interest in buying into our Community Share Offer. Not only will this go directly towards the purchase of the building but it will also help us to raise match funding from grant providers.

  • We urgently need 250k to secure the building from being taken into the hands of their creditors, which will act as a down-payment against the purchase of the building.

  • To do that, we need you to share our campaign far and wide to help us reach philanthropists and social investors who can help fund the purchase of the premises - Follow the campaign on our Facebook page!